Dowsing Rod

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Dowsing Rod is an active item added in The Gacha Update.


  • On use, causes Isaac to hold the item above his head. While held, raining tears that leave a puddle of creep, and the occasional File:Crack the Sky.png Crack the Sky beam of light, will begin to strike random places in the room.
    • The longer the item is held, the more frequently the tears and beams of light will be summoned, reaching their maximum intensity after 15 seconds.
    • The item can be held between rooms, maintaining the strength of the effect.


  • The raining tears and creep they leave after landing deal damage equal to Isaac's tear damage.
  • Each beam of light can hit the same enemy up to 8 times, and deals Isaac's tear damage plus a flat 20 damage per hit.
  • If Isaac enters another animation state while holding the item up, such as when taking damage, it will force him to put it down, ending the effect.


  • UI CoopIcon Judas.png Judas + Birthright.png Birthright: Raining tears will turn blood red, and instead of holy beams of light, bloody laser beams (similar to those created by File:Hush.png Hush) will appear from the sky, that each deal 5 damage per tick for up to 2 seconds, for a total of 300 damage.


  • A dowsing rod, also known as witching rod, is a y-shaped twig or rod used in dowsing, a type of divination utilized to try and find buried commodities such as ground water and valuable ores or treasures.