Isaac's Bindle

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Isaac's Bindle is a trinket added in the initial release of Retribution.


  • Machines and Beggars animate faster, allowing donations and payouts to happen more quickly.
  • Spawns 3 random pickups from a set loot table when picked up for the first time.
Loot Table
Pickup Chance
Heart 3/17 (~17.7%)
Coin 3/17 (~17.7%)
Key 3/17 (~17.7%)
Bomb 3/17 (~17.7%)
Battery 2/17 (~11.8%)
Sack 1/17 (~5.8%)
Pill 1/17 (~5.8%)
Card 1/17 (~5.8%)


  • Mom's Box.png Trinket Multipliers: Spawns additional pickups and causes Machines and Beggars to animate faster per additional trinket multiplier.