Everlasting Pill

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Everlasting Pill is an active item added in The Gacha Update.


  • On use, activates one of the following pill effects:
    • Bad Gas
    • Explosive Diarrhea
    • Telepills
    • Paralysis
    • Pheromones
    • Lemon Party
    • R U a Wizard?
    • Percs!
    • Addicted!
    • Re-Lax
    • Infested!
    • Infested?
    • Power Pill!
    • Retro Vision
    • Friends Till The End!
    • X-Lax
    • Something's wrong...
    • I'm Drowsy...
    • I'm Excited!
    • Horf!
    • Feels like I'm walking on sunshine!


  • The Telepills effect will not activate while Isaac is inside a Boss Room.png Boss Room.


  • File:PHD.png PHD: All of the possible negative effects from Everlasting Pill will be converted to their positive equivalent.
  • File:False PHD.png False PHD: All of the possible positive effects from Everlasting Pill will be converted to their negative equivalent. Some of these pill effects can grant Black Hearts as expected, however, Everlasting Pill has a 20% chance to be lost and replaced with Neverlasting Pill Neverlasting Pill.
  • UI CoopIcon Judas.png Judas + Birthright.png Birthright: Each use will grant a +0.66 damage boost for the current room.

Neverlasting Pill

Neverlasting Pill is an active item added in V3.3.


  • On use, activates six of the follow pill effects at random:
    • Balls of Steel.
    • Full Health.
    • Health Down.
    • Health Up.
    • Range Down.
    • Range Up.
    • Speed Down.
    • Speed Up.
    • Tears Down.
    • Tears Up.
    • Luck Down.
    • Luck Up.
    • Shot Speed Down.
    • Shot Speed Up.
    • Experimental Pill.


  • UI CoopIcon Judas.png Judas + Birthright.png Birthright: Grants +0.66 damage for the current room for each of the 6 pills used, totaling to +3.96 damage.


  • Everlasting Pill is a reference to the "everlasting gobstopper" from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
    • In addition, Everlasting Pill's appearance appears similar to that of rainbow gobstoppers.