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Coinflip is an active item added in The Burned Out Update.


  • +3 coins.
  • Starts with 3 charges available.
  • Using Coinflip costs 1 coin and 1 pip of charge to throw a Spoils Coin onto the ground.
    • Picking up a Spoils Coin will grant a charge pip back to Coinflip, allowing it to be used infinitely with careful usage.
    • Spoils Coins can now deflect Isaac's tears directly into enemies with line of sight while increasing the damage of the tear by 1.5x.
      • If there are no enemies within line of sight of a Spoils Coin, the deflecting tear will be fired in a random direction.
  • When completing a room, Coinflip will regain charge pips up to the number of coins owned.


  • Ricocheted tears have a priority targeting system and will prioritize bouncing to new Spoils Coins instead of enemies so long as there is line of sight available.
    • Every coin a tear ricochets off of will stack another 1.5x damage multiplier onto the tear.
    • This allows ricocheted tears to bend around corners with well placed coins.
    • Enemies standing between coins will take full damage from the tear passing through them, and then will likely be the target of the 2nd ricochet, dealing massive damage overall.


  • Photon Photon: Spoils Coins are now a valid target for Photon to lock on to, allowing Photon tears to ricochet as expected.
  • UI CoopIcon Forgotten.png The Forgotten / Berserk!.png Berserk! / Bygone Arm Bygone Arm: Spoils Coins can be launched directly at enemies to deal 5x damage.
  • UI CoopIcon Judas.png Judas + Birthright.png Birthright: Summoned Spoils Coins are now Cursed, and can ricochet enemy projectiles back at them.
    • UI CoopIcon Judas.png Judas + Birthright.png Birthright + Bygone Arm Bygone Arm: Cursed Spoils Coins that get launched at enemies also explode on contact, dealing even more damage.


  • Coinflip is a reference to the Marksman Revolver from ULTRAKILL.
    • The item description "Ricoshot" is the style bonus awarded for shooting a coin from the Marksman Revolver with any class of Revolver bullet.
    • The maximum number of charge pips available is identical to the number of "alt fire" charges on the Marksman Revolver.