View table: TrinketCargo

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - String
  3. quote - String
  4. description - Wikitext
  5. unlocked_by - String

This table has 88 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image quote description unlocked by
12-Gauge Clay (edit) 12-Gauge Clay 12_Gauge_Clay.png Stronger curses, better rewards
  • Increases the Trinket Multiplier and sell value of other held Cursed Trinkets.png Cursed Trinkets.
Anarchist Recipe (edit) Anarchist Recipe Anarchist Recipe.png Recipe for disaster
  • Fires every bomb Mammon owns as Dr. Fetus.png Dr. Fetus bombs in random directions.
    • Upon reaching 0 bombs or when sold, this trinket is deactivated and will not fire out any further bombs gained.
Antidepressants (edit) Antidepressants Antidepressants.png Tears down
Antimonial Communion (edit) Antimonial Communion Antimonial Communion.png Recommunicated projectiles
  • All enemy projectiles become homing.
Ashen Eye (edit) Ashen Eye Ashen Eye.png Dry crying
  • 25% chance to not fire a tear.
Banana Pepper (edit) Banana Pepper Banana Pepper.png It burns... to you
  • 5% chance to shoot a yellow flame that harms the player and can block tears.
Blindfold (edit) Blindfold Blindfold.png Cursed with indistinction
Bloodied Feather (edit) Bloodied Feather Bloodied Feather.png Curse of the Sun
  • Enemies have a 15% chance to be Anti-Baptismally upgraded into a stronger enemy.
Blown Fuse (edit) Blown Fuse Blown Fuse.png Cursed with darkness
Bookmark (edit) Bookmark Bookmark.png Avid reader
  • Book items restore up to 2 charges after being used.
  • Books cannot become fully charged because of Bookmark.
Branded Bowtie (edit) Branded Bowtie Branded Bowtie.png Official Buta-Corp endorsement
  • Capsules have an increased chance to spawn when clearing rooms.
  • Gashapons have an increased chance to replace Slot Machines.
Branded Bowtie
Broken Compass (edit) Broken Compass Broken Compass.png Lose your bearings
  • Mammon now enters rooms from a random door.
  • Doors lie about what type of room they lead to.
Caltrop (edit) Caltrop Caltrop.png Ouch!
  • Deals 1 full heart of non-fatal damage on pickup.
Challenge Lock (edit) Challenge Lock Challenge Lock.png Just, once, more, try
  • Fires every key Mammon owns as Sharp Key.png Sharp Key tears in random directions.
    • Upon reaching 0 bombs or when sold, this trinket is deactivated and will not fire out any further bombs gained.
Crow Mask (edit) Crow Mask Crow Mask.png A penchant for curses
  • Increases the chance for enemies to drop Cursed Trinkets by ~5%.
  • Decreases the value of Cursed Trinkets when sold at the Curse Trader.png Curse Trader by 2 coins.
Crutch (edit) Crutch Crutch.png A little assistance
  • Tears with chance-based effects gain homing and a size increase.
Crystal Shard (edit) Crystal Shard Crystal Shard.png Shattering runes
Cursed Capsule (edit) Cursed Capsule Cursed Capsule.png Bonus curse when sold
Dad's Lucky Bowling Ball (edit) Dad's Lucky Bowling Ball Dads_Lucky_Bowling_Ball.png Speed down
Dad's Nuke (edit) Dad's Nuke Dad's Nuke.png Fallout
  • Nuclear tears streak across the room from the top of the screen.
Dead Canary (edit) Dead Canary Dead Canary.png Cursed with uncertainty
Detoxifier (edit) Detoxifier Detoxifier.png Cleansed tears
  • All tear effects are removed.
Diet Pill (edit) Diet Pill Diet Pill.png Heart suppressant
  • Heart pickups can no longer be picked up.
  • Attempting to heal through other methods will fail.
Dirty Eraser (edit) Dirty Eraser Dirty Eraser.png Smudge thy enemy
  • 10% chance for non-boss enemies to be duplicated upon spawning.
Estrogen Patch (edit) Estrogen Patch Estrogen Patch.png Damage down
Faded Map (edit) Faded Map Faded Map.png Cursed with memorization
Flagellant Whip (edit) Flagellant Whip Flagellant Whip.png Mortification of the flesh
  • Mammon begins to bleed profusely, causing him to lose half of a Red Heart every 20 seconds.
Fossilized Coal (edit) Fossilized Coal Fossilized Coal.png Why would this be lucky?
  • Spawns a Fire Place 1 tile away from the door upon entering a new room.
Girl Pill (edit) Girl Pill Girl Pill.png Sublingual sadness
  • When Isaac takes damage, grants a +0.03 tears up.
    • Tears bonuses are not permanent, and are only provided while Isaac is holding Girl Pill.
    • Girl Pill will be automatically gulped when its maximum tears boost is reached.
Gluttonous Snout (edit) Gluttonous Snout Gluttonous Snout.png Auto-gulp trinkets for 5 coins
  • If Isaac has 5 coins and holds a trinket in his pocket, 5 coins are removed and the trinket is automatically gulped.
Gluttonous Snout
Goat's Eye (edit) Goat's Eye Goats Eye.png Copycat
  • Pickups have a 10% chance to be doubled on spawn.
Grab Bag (edit) Grab Bag Grab Bag.png Nyalon!
  • Spawns a familiar that attempts to steal pickups in the room.
Grubby Penny (edit) Grubby Penny Grubby Penny.png Wealth of friends
Guppy's Warble (edit) Guppy's Warble Guppys_Warble.png Teeming friends
  • Enemies may spawn a number of Swarm Flies on death, depending on their maximum health.
Heart of Ichor (edit) Heart of Ichor Heart of Ichor.png Fragile as fine china
  • Gain a permanent Broken Heart when taking damage.
Heart Transplant (edit) Heart Transplant Heart Transplant.png HP down
  • Removes 1 Red Heart container upon being picked up.
    • If Isaac has no Red Heart containers, up to 2 Soul Hearts will be taken instead.
    • Mammon will not be killed by this exchange.
  • Stolen health is returned when sold.
Heart Worm (edit) Heart Worm Heart Worm.png Bu-bump
  • Tears accelerate and deccelerate similar to Mom's Heart's projectiles.
  • Range up.
Hearty Stew (edit) Hearty Stew Hearty Stew.png You feel full
  • +6 Broken Hearts.
    • Selling Hearty Stew to the Curse Trader.png Curse Trader will remove the Broken Hearts from the health bar.
Impish Maize (edit) Impish Maize Impish Maize.png Cursed with disorientation
Isaac's Bindle (edit) Isaac's Bindle Isaacs Bindle.png On the run
Joy-con (edit) Joy-con Joycon.png Drift king
  • A small movement drift towards a single direction is constantly applied to Mammon.
Joy-con (edit) Limited Edition Mint Condition ACNH_Joycon.png ANIMAL CROSSING LEFT JOY-CON!
  • A small movement drift towards a single direction is constantly applied to Mammon.
  • Very rarely replaces Joy-con Joy-con when it spawns, and sells for a much higher value.
Lame Sunglasses (edit) Lame Sunglasses Lame Sunglasses.png Scattered Change
  • Removes 1-3 coins when entering a new room, and for each spawns a Cursed Spoils Coin at a random position.
Lament (edit) Lament Lament.png Faster projectiles
  • Enemy projectiles travel faster and have a larger size.
Lead Standard (edit) Lead Standard Lead Standard.png Economic deflation
Leaking Battery (edit) Leaking Battery Leaking Battery.png Dud charge
  • 25% chance, rolling twice, to deduct 1 charge from Mammon's active item after clearing a room.
Love Letter (edit) Love Letter Love Letter.png Range down
Mirror Shard (edit) Mirror Shard Mirror Shard.png Luck down
Moxie's Eye (edit) Moxie's Eye Moxies Eye.png View distance up!
  • Increases the range at which unexplored rooms appear on the map.
Ms. Tick (edit) Ms. Tick Ms. Tick.png She's not clingy
  • Deals half a heart of non-fatal damage after being picked up.
  • Upon taking damage, Ms. Tick is dropped onto the ground.
Nickel and Dime (edit) Nickel and Dime Nickel and Dime.png Value added tax
  • Items in the shop now alternate between 2 different options.
  • Items in the shop now cost 5 coins more.
Nickel and Dime
Number One 2 (edit) Number One 2 Number One 2.png Range way down
  • −2 range and 80% range multiplier.
Occam's Razor (edit) Occam's Razor Occams Razor.png Sacrificial glory
Open Mind (edit) Open Mind Open Mind.png More opportunities
Pearls of Swine (edit) Pearls of Swine Pearls of Swine.png A delicate boon
  • Becomes worth less at the Curse Trader.png Curse Trader every time Mammon takes damage.
Pettitoe (edit) Pettitoe Pettitoe.png Curse of Swine
  • Cursed Trinkets in Treasure Rooms will be replaced with File:Coinstack.png Coinstacks.
  • Cursed Trinkets dropped from enemies will be relpaced with a single penny.
Pink Wafer (edit) Pink Wafer Pink Wafer.png Vulnerability up
  • Mammon loses an additional half of a Heart when taking damage.
Pocket Bible (edit) Pocket Bible Pocket Bible.png Keep the devil at bay
  • Mom, Mom's Heart, and It Lives are reduced to half health when starting their fights.
Popsicle Stick (edit) Popsicle Stick Popsicle Stick.png Say aaah!
  • Taking a pill with a negative effect spawns another random pill.
Primordial Genesis (edit) Primordial Genesis Primordial Genesis.png Doubled vulnerability
  • Causes all damage the player takes to be doubled.
Pyrite (edit) Pyrite Pyrite.png Fool
  • 3% chance for pickups, rocks, and poops to become their golden variants.
  • Scales to 5% at 7 luck.
Rainbow Penny (edit) Rainbow Penny Rainbow Penny.png Wealth of all
  • Mimics the effect of a random Penny Trinket when picking up a penny.
Rigged Gashapon (edit) Rigged Gashapon Rigged Gashapon.png Whale of a time
  • Fires every coin Mammon owns as Eye of Greed.png Eye of Greed tears in random directions.
    • Upon reaching 0 coins or when sold, this trinket is deactivated and will not fire out any further coins gained.
Rose Thorns (edit) Rose Thorns Rose Thorns.png Lash out of the world
  • Fires out a ring of 16 thorn tears when taking damage.
Rotten Gut (edit) Rotten Gut Rotten Gut.png Oops! All rotten
  • Converts all Red Hearts in the health bar into Rotten Hearts.
  • All Half Red Hearts and Red Hearts that spawn are transformed into Rotten Hearts.
Rusted Pipe (edit) Rusted Pipe Rusted Pipe.png No more blood clots
  • Red Poops are converted into regular Poops.
Sacramental Wine (edit) Sacramental Wine Sacramental Wine.png Accuracy down
  • Tears fire at slightly wonky angles.
Salt Lick (edit) Salt Lick Salt Lick.png Shot speed down
Seed Packet (edit) Seed Packet Seed Packet.png Reaper
  • Enemies may occasionally spawn Pullroot saplings or Melitodes Bees on death.
Shop Payroll (edit) Shop Payroll Shop Payroll.png Child labor!
  • Allows Isaac to passively gain coins by not moving while in a Shop.
    • 1 coin is gained every 45 seconds.
    • Hostile Spiders are occasionally shed by Isaac's shopkeeper costume.
Shy Onion (edit) Shy Onion Shy Onion.png Social anxiety
  • Inflicts Mammon with fear for 1.5 seconds when entering a new room.
Silver Tongue (edit) Silver Tongue Silver Tongue.png Barter
  • Shop prices are reduced by 1.
Spiro (edit) Spiro Spiro.png Puberty blocker
  • Puberty pills grant +0.35 damage and no longer contribute progress to the Adult transformation.
  • Damage bonuses are not permanent, and are only provided while holding Spiro.
Spoiled Coin (edit) Spoiled Coin Spoiled Coin.png Explosive economy
  • Enemies may drop a Cursed Spoils Coin.gif Cursed Spoils Coin on death.
    • This chance scales with an enemy's maximum health, and the current stage.
    • Cursed Spoils Coins can be picked up, but will explode if left for 3 seconds.
    • Cursed Spoils Coins dropped from Spoiled Coin will always be pennies.
    • Spoils Coin.gif Spoils Coins, including their File:Nickel.png Nickel and File:Dime.png Dime variants dropped by Spoils Pouch Spoils Pouch, will also become Cursed Spoils Coins.
Strength Badge (edit) Strength Badge Strength Badge.png Boosts attack power by 1!
Taffy Heart (edit) Taffy Heart Taffy Heart.png Sugar crash
  • Random minor stat decrease every time Mammon heals with Red Hearts.
  • Stat changes are reverted when sold.
Thick Skin (edit) Thick Skin Thick Skin.png Pachyderm
  • 20% chance for damage taken to deal no more than half a heart.
    • Chance scales to 50% at 7 luck.
Thorn Ring (edit) Thorn Ring Thorn Ring.png Health-draining ice trance
  • 3% chance to fire a thorn tear that instantly Uranus.png Uranus-freezes enemies.
  • If Isaac has more than 3 hearts of health, he will take damage every 30 seconds.
    • When taking damage this way, the chance to fire a thorn tear increases by 7% for 3 minutes.
    • Damage boosts stack, allowing a maximum thorn chance of 45% if Isaac can find enough hearts.
Training Seat (edit) Training Seat Training Seat.png Uh-oh...
  • Player creep lasts twice as long.
  • Enemy creep lasts half as long.
Turnip (edit) Rotten Turnip Rotten Turnip.png HODL
Turnip (edit) Turnip Turnip.png Stalk Market
  • Mimics a Stalk Market pattern with Isaac's coins as he progresses through rooms.
  • Rots after 7 rooms or if dropped on the floor.
    • The given collectible ("Rotten Turnip") does not exist. no longer causes Isaac's coins to fluctuate.
    • Rotten Turnip converts back into Turnip when moving to a new floor.
Union Contract (edit) Union Contract Union Contract.png Paid leave
Unknown (edit) Unknown Unknown.png You're a coward if you skip
  • Transforms into a random Cursed Trinket when picked up.
Viscalis (edit) Viscalis Viscalis.png Health-boosting pests
  • Enemies have a 15% chance to have a Viscerine.png Viscerine orbiting them, which increases their HP by 33%.
Whetstone (edit) Whetstone Whetstone.png Sharper rocks, knockback up
  • Chance for rocks to be replaced by Spike Rocks.
  • Increases tear knockback.
White Candle (edit) White Candle White Candle.png Astral travel
Wilted Myosotis (edit) Wilted Myosotis Wilted Myosotis.png Abandoned curses hurt
  • Leaving behind a Cursed Trinket will deal non-fatal damage when Mammon leaves the room.
    • Trinkets Mammon had no path to reach will not deal damage.
Yen Penny (edit) Yen Penny Yen Penny.png Wealth of gacha
  • Spawns a Minicapsule when picking up a penny.