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Name Icon Flavor Text Effect Recharge Quality
Baptismal Font
Baptismal Font.png
Redemptive flood
  • Converts enemies in the room into weaker versions of themselves based off of a pre-defined evolution-tree.
4 rooms 1 
Black Box
Black Box.png
What's inside?
  • +4 luck while held.
  • Each use:
    • -0.5 luck permanently.
    • Chance to spawn an Item, Black Heart, Card, or hostile Spiders based on luck.
3 rooms 3 
Black Hammer
Black Hammer.png
I'll be the judge of that
  • On use, replaces tears with random numbers from 1 to 9.
    • Damage of the numbers scales from 0.33x to 2.66x on numbers 1-8 and is quintupled on 9.
    • Each number has a different unique effect.
3 rooms 2 
Book of Genesis
Book of Genesis.png
And God saw that it was good
  • On use, grants a Black Heart.
  • Passively doubles all damage taken.
3 rooms 2 
Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon.png
Do you have a moment?
  • On use, causes Isaac to hold the item above his head and creating an aura around him.
    • Enemies inside the aura are inflicted with fear.
2 rooms 1 
Excommunicated tears
  • On use, reverses the trajectory of all enemy projectiles and transforms them into friendly homing tears.
    • Additionally, all Troll Bombs are transformed into homing Bobby-Bomb.png Bobby-Bombs.
6 seconds 1 
Death Cap
All Death Caps.gif
Strength through mithriditism
  • Can be used 6 times in total.
  • When using for the first 5 times, Isaac takes damage and permanently gains the following modifiers:
    • -0.35 Damage.
    • -0.06 Speed.
    • -0.06 Shot Speed.
    • 5% chance to fire a poison tear.
  • When using for the 6th time, Isaac heals to full health and permanently gains the following modifiers:
    • +2.75 Damage.
    • 1.5x Damage Multiplier.
    • +0.5 Speed.
    • +0.5 Shot Speed.
4 rooms 3 
False Idol
False Idol.png
An untrue faith
  • On use, grants a familiar that passively grants +10.9 Luck.
    • The familiar is removed after leaving the room.
3 rooms 3 
No need for peace
  • On use, explodes any enemies with less than 1/3 of their maximum health remaining.
    • Does not work on bosses.
    • Valid enemies will faintly glow red.
12 seconds 1 
Sculpting Clay
Sculpting Clay.png
Reusable item mimic
  • On use, grants a copy of the closest passive item.
    • Cannot be used if there are no valid items to copy.
  • After being used, becomes unusable until the next floor.
One time use 3 
Pumpkin Mask
Pumpkin Mask.png
Soul for a soul
  • On use, grants 12 Soul Hearts but causes Isaac to take damage every 60 seconds thereafter.
    • 1 second after taking damage from this effect, Isaac will fire a Brimstone beam.
One time use 1 
Shattered Dice
Shattered Dice.png
Unconscious influence
  • On use, spawns a Shattered Shard and a few coins.
    • Will be automatically used if dropped.
  • Passively rerolls picked up items, attempting to reroll them into items of higher quality.
One time use 3 
Bell of Circe
Bell of Circe.png
It tolls for pigs
  • On use, transforms a random enemy into a Circe Swine.
    • Has a chance, that inversely scales with the amount of enemies in the room, to transform Isaac instead.
      • When transformed, Isaac receives an all stats down and the item becomes unusable until the next room.
Unlimited 2 
Bottled Fairy
Bottled Fairy.png
Let your wounds heal
  • On use, heals Isaac to full.
    • Will be used automatically if Isaac is about to take fatal damage.
One time use 3 
Meat Grinder
Meat Grinder.png
A taste for oneself
  • On use, deals damage to Isaac and spawns a Swine Beggar.
6 rooms 3 
Snap Bang
Snap Bang.png
Snap, crackle, pop
  • On use, creates a small explosive charge on the ground.
    • When an enemy touches the charge, it explodes, dealing 10x Isaac's damage and confusing all enemies within a small radius of the explosion.
4 seconds 2 
Stained Shard
Stained Shard.png
Fragile protection
  • On use, summons a ring of red glass shards that block enemy projectiles and deal contact damage to enemies themselves.
    • When a shard blocks a shot, it breaks and if it breaks while in contact with an enemy, that enemy will be inflicted with bleeding.
1 rooms 1 
Dowsing Rod
Dowsing Rod.png
Water witching
  • On use, causes Isaac to hold the item above his head.
    • While held, causes tears to fall from the sky and eventually also summons Holy Light beams.
      • The longer the item is held, the more frequently the tears and beams will be summoned.
      • The item can be held between rooms, maintaining the strength of the of effect.
2 rooms 2 
Everlasting Pill
Everlasting Pill.png
Stat-alteration free
  • On use, activates a random pill effect.
    • Cannot activate stat-altering effects.
5 seconds 1 
Fry's Paw
Frys Paw.png
Bone converter
  • On use, removes one filled Heart Container, grants 2 empty Bone Hearts and creates a puddle of red creep underneath Isaac.
    • Has no effect if Isaac has no filled Heart Containers.
Unlimited 1 
  • On use, paralyses Isaac for 2 seconds and grants the following effects for the current room:
    • +0.75 Tears.
    • Hitting enemies with tears will gradually slow them down. If an enemy is hit with enough tears it briefly freezes.
  • Sleeping in a bed now grants a Heart Container.
1 rooms 2 
Monster Candy
Monstery Candy.png
Proof of evolution
  • On use, allows Isaac to throw a special projectile, in a similar fashion to Friendly Ball.
    • Hitting an enemy with the projectile makes it permanently friendly and attempts to upgrade it to a stronger form.
    • If the projectile does not hit an enemy, upon landing on the ground, it becomes a Monster Candy.png Monster Candy pickup.
3 rooms 2 
Moonlit Mirror
Moonlit Mirror.png
Transdimensional bidding
  • On use, replaces all pickups in the room that are not purchasables into either 3 Pennies or a Nickel, based on Luck.
    • Does not work on items, coins and open chests.
3 rooms 2 
Gacha Go.png
Pull on the go
  • On use, consumes 5 coins and spawns one of the following:
Unlimited 1 
Bone Saw
Bone Saw.png
Time to lose your medical licence
  • On use, if near beggars or shopkeepers, destroys them instantly.
    • Killing said beggars and shopkeepers spawns 2 bone orbitals from each.
    • Butchering beggars has a chance to drop a random item from the Bone Saw Pool Icon.png Bone Saw Item Pool.
Unlimited 3 
The Iliad
The Iliad.png
Achilles' wrath
  • On use, causes Isaac to hold the item above his head.
    • Pressing a fire button afterwards causes several spears to fire from the wall behind the pressed direction.
      • The spears break upon impact with obstacles but pierce enemies and deal heavy damage.
3 rooms 2 
The Odyssey
The Odyssey.png
Poseidon's wrath
  • On use, causes the following effects to happen:
    • Spawns a large pool of blue creep.
    • Destroys nearby rocks.
    • Attaches Derelict Anchor Derelict Anchor anchors to nearby enemies.
2 rooms 2 
  • On pickup, grants 3 coins.
  • On use, consumes a coin, 1 charge notch and spawns a spinning coin.
    • The spinning coin ricochets Isaac's tears into enemies, multiplying their damage by 1.5.
    • Picking up the coin before it disappears grants 1 charge notch back.
Variable 3 
Blazing Beak
Blazing Beak.png
Burning for curses
  • Passively causes enemies to sometimes drop Cursed Trinkets upon dying.
    • Cursed Trinkets are auto-smelted on pickup.
  • On use, deals 1 damage to Isaac and sells every Cursed Trinket he possesses.
12 rooms 3 
Lifeblood Syringe
Lifeblood Syringe.png
Vital injection
  • Starts with 4 charges out of 8.
    • Can be recharged only by killing Lifeseed Spirits that sometimes spawn when killing enemies.
  • On use, grants 2 Soul Hearts.
8 rooms 3 
Bygone Arm
Bygone Arm.png
  • On use, swings an arm, in a similar fashion to Forgotten's bone club.
    • The arm can reflect enemy projectiles and, with tighter timing, boost Isaac's own tears.
    • Reflected projectiles and boosted tears explode on contact with enemies or obstacles.
  • Can be used from any item slot by pressing the button tied to consuming cards and pills, so long as Isaac has no consumable that would otherwise be used.
1.5 seconds 3 
The Pig Bang
The Pig Bang.png
Here we go again
  • On use, spawns a small pig with explosives attached to it.
    • The pig will slowly chase the closest enemy and after 5 explodes like a Giga Bomb.
3 rooms 3 
Seed Sack
Seed Sack.png
  • On use, spawns 3-5 Pullroot saplings, alongside 3-5 offscreen Melitodes Bees which attempt to pollinate the saplings.
3 rooms 3 
Smoke bomb
  • On use, throws a special projectile, in a similar fashion to Bob's Rotten Head.png Bob's Rotten Head.
    • Upon impact, the projectile creates a large, long-lasting cloud of smoke that confuses any enemy that enters it.
2 rooms 3