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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - String
  3. is_activated - Boolean
  4. quote - String
  5. description - Wikitext
  6. recharge - String
  7. quality - Integer
  8. tags - List of String, delimiter:
  9. unlocked_by - String

This table has 159 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image is activated quote description recharge quality tags unlocked by
Arrow of Light (edit) Arrow of Light Arrow of Light.png No Ascend to boyhood
  • +0.5 shot speed.
  • +0.25 tears.
  • Increases knockback.
  • Grants piercing in darkness.
3 offensive summonable tearsup
Axolotl (edit) Axolotl Axolotl.png No I amn just a litle creacher
  • Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac, shoots tears and block enemy projectiles.
  • After blocking 3 projectiles, dies and leaves behind a corpse that constantly spawns File:Blue Fly.png Blue Flies.
    • Regenerates after entering a room.
2 offensive summonable monstermanual baby
Azazel's Horn (edit) Azazel's Horn Azazel's Horn.png No Zealous black hearts
  • +1 Black Heart.
  • Black Hearts will now trigger their mass room damage effect when only partially depleted by damage.
3 summonable devil
Baby's Breath (edit) Baby's Breath Babys Breath.png No Belittling death rattle
  • On death, enemies Baptismally downgrade other nearby enemies.
    • Downgrading radius scales with the enemy's maximum health.
2 summonable
Bad Apple (edit) Bad Apple Bad Apple.png No It takes only one
  • +0.6 tears.
  • 8% chance to fire a tear that converts all other tears in the room into bad apples which deal half damage.
2 offensive summonable tearsup
Bag of Seeds (edit) Bag of Seeds Bag of Seeds.png No Bountiful harvest
  • Periodically spawns Pullroot saplings around the room.
3 offensive summonable
Bandage Binder (edit) Bandage Binder Bandage Binder.png No Please bind responsibly
  • +2 range.
  • +0.4 damage.
  • Spawns 1-3 bone orbitals when taking damage.
2 nolostbr summonable
Baptismal Font (edit) Baptismal Font Baptismal Font.png Yes Redemptive flood
  • Converts enemies in the room into weaker versions of themselves based off of a pre-defined evolution-tree.
4 1 offensive angel Defeat ??? as Icarus
Baptismal Shell (edit) Baptismal Shell Baptismal Shell.png No Born of water and spirit
  • Chance for tears to transform enemies into a weaker variant of themselves based on a pre-defined evolution tree.
    • Scales with Luck.
2 offensive summonable angel
Bar of Soap (edit) Bar of Soap Bar of Soap.png No Wash away your impurities
  • +1 Heart Container.
  • Grants a Soul Heart at the start of each floor.
2 nolostbr
Baron Fly (edit) Baron Fly Baron Fly.png No Can't swallow its pride
  • Orbital familiar that fires a barrage of tears at the closest enemy after blocking 5 projectiles.
2 summonable monstermanual fly
Bedbug (edit) Bedbug Bedbug.png No Sleep tight
  • Orbital familiar that remains stationary relative to Isaac.
    • Briefly orbits around Isaac after blocking a projectile.
1 summonable monstermanual fly
Beeconomy (edit) 50% Beeconomy Fifty Percent Beeconomy.png No A Bugulon special!
  • +30 coins.
  • Will always cost 15 coins.
  • Spawns 5 red Melitodes Bees upon pickup and when entering a new room.
    • Red Melitodes Bees deal 2x as much damage as normal Melitodes Bees.
    • Purchasing items reduces the amount of bees spawned when entering a new room by 1.
3 offensive noeden
Beeconomy (edit) Beeconomy Beeconomy.png No Economic colony collapse
  • +30 coins.
  • Will always cost 15 coins.
  • Spawns 3 Melitodes Bees upon pickup and when entering a new room.
    • This effect stops working after another item is purchased.
2 offensive summonable
Bell Clapper (edit) Bell Clapper Bell Clapper.png No Damage up, it's a dull ringer
  • +0.3 Tears.
  • +1.5 Damage.
    • The damage bonus given by this item is multiplied by 0.9 for every tear fired in the same room.
    • Damage bonus reductions are negated when entering a new room.
3 offensive summonable tearsup
Bell of Circe (edit) Bell of Circe Bell of Circe.png Yes It tolls for pigs
  • On use, transforms a random enemy into a Circe Swine.
    • Has a chance, that inversely scales with the amount of enemies in the room, to transform Isaac instead.
      • When transformed, Isaac receives an all stats down and the item becomes unusable until the next room.
unlimited 2
Black Box (edit) Black Box Black Box.png Yes What's inside?
  • +4 luck while held.
  • Each use:
    • −0.5 luck permanently.
    • Chance to spawn an item, Black Heart, Card, or hostile Spiders based on luck.
3 3 offensive
Black Hammer (edit) Black Hammer Black Hammer.png Yes I'll be the judge of that
  • On use, replaces tears with random numbers from 1 to 9.
    • Damage of the numbers scales from 0.33x to 2.66x on numbers 1-8, and is quintupled on 9.
    • Each number has a different unique effect.
3 2 offensive
Blazing Beak (edit) Blazing Beak Blazing Beak.png Yes Burning for curses
  • Passively causes enemies to sometimes drop Cursed Trinkets.png Cursed Trinkets on death.
    • Cursed Trinkets are auto-smelted on pickup.
  • On use, deals 1 damage to Isaac and sells every Cursed Trinket he owns.
12 3 nolostbr Defeat <span style="position:relative; bottom: 1.5px;>[[file:Delirium.png|24x24px|link=]]</span> [ Delirium] as [[File:UI_CoopIcon_T_Mammon.png|24px|link=Tainted Mammon]] [[Tainted Mammon]]
Bleeding Heart (edit) Bleeding Heart Bleeding Heart.png No Charming exsanguination
  • +1 Heart Container.
  • Chance to fire a pink tear that inflicts Charm.
    • Chance scales with Luck.
  • Charmed enemies now fire Isaac's tears in random directions.
  • Charmed enemies now charm other nearby enemies on death.
    • Charming radius scales with the enemy's maximum health.
3 offensive summonable
Blood of Satan (edit) Blood of Satan Blood of Satan.png No The soul atones for blood 1 devil Defeat <span style="position:relative; bottom: 1.5px;>[[file:Satan.png|24x24px|link=]]</span> [ Satan] as [[File:UI_CoopIcon_Icarus.png|24px|link=Icarus]] [[Icarus]]
Bob's Heart (edit) Bob's Heart Bobs Heart.png No Volatile friend
  • Grants two trailing familiars.
    • Bob's Intestine: Trails closer to Isaac and inflicts poison to enemies it comes into contact with.
    • Bob's Heart: Trails further from Isaac and explodes on contact with enemies.
0 uniquefamiliar offensive dead bob
Bone Saw (edit) Bone Saw Bone Saw.png Yes Time to lose your medical license
  • On use, destroys all nearby Beggars and Shopkeepers, and spawns 2 orbital bone familiars from each one destroyed.
unlimited 3
Book of Genesis (edit) Book of Genesis Book of Genesis.png Yes And God saw that it was good
  • On use, grants a Black Heart.
  • Passively doubles all damage taken.
3 2 nolostbr book
Book of Mormon (edit) Book of Mormon Book of Mormon.png Yes Do you have a moment?
  • On use, Isaac holds the item above his head and creates an aura of fear around him.
2 1 book
Booster Shot (edit) Booster Shot Booster Shot.png No Compounding tears
  • -0.5 Damage.
  • Grants piercing.
  • The damage of Isaac's tears is increased by 1.5x for every enemy they pierce.
3 offensive summonable syringe
Bootlicker (edit) Bootlicker Bootlicker.png No It hurts so good
  • +1 empty Heart Container.
  • +0.25 Damage permanently for each time Isaac takes damage between gaining the item and killing a floor boss.
  • Prevents Isaac from picking up hearts of any type until a floor's boss is killed.
2 nolostbr
Bottled Fairy (edit) Bottled Fairy Bottled Fairy.png Yes Let your wounds heal
  • On use, heals Isaac to full.
  • Will be used automatically, when Isaac is about to take fatal damage.
one time 3 nolostbr
Brownie (edit) Brownie Brownie.png No Damage up, your bowels rumble
  • +1.5 Damage.
  • While in uncleared rooms, Isaac will occasionally summon a friendly Corn Mine and leave a trail of brown, slippery creep for a few seconds.
2 offensive summonable poop
Brunch (edit) Brunch Brunch.png No HP up 2 nolostbr summonable food
Bucket of Blood (edit) Bucket of Blood Bucket of Blood.png No Health up, mixed blood
  • +3 UI Heart Red.png Red Heart containers.
  • Rerolls all of Isaac's health into a random assortment of Heart Containers, Soul Hearts and Black Hearts.
2 nolostbr nokeeper
Bygone Arm (edit) Bygone Arm Bygone Arm.png Yes Feedbacker
  • On use, swings an arm, in a similar fashion to Forgotten's bone club.
    • The arm can reflect enemy projectiles and, with tighter timing, boost Isaac's own tears.
    • Reflected projectiles and boosted tears explode on contact with enemies or obstacles.
  • Can be used from any item slot by pressing the button tied to consuming cards and pills, so long as Isaac has no consumable that would otherwise be used.
1.5s 3 offensive
Cactus (edit) Cactus Cactus.png No Peashy keen
  • Spawns a stationary familiar in a random position each room that deals contact damage to enemies.
  • Blocks Isaac's tears and enemy projectiles; after blocking 5 shots in total it bursts into a small shower of tears and a ring of tacs.
    • After bursting, regenerates after a few seconds.
1 offensive summonable monstermanual
Caduceus (edit) Caduceus Caduceus.png No Equalized healing
  • Transforms all full Red Heart and full Soul Heart pickups into Blended Hearts.
4 nolostbr summonable
Carapace (edit) Carapace Carapace.png No Exoskeleton
  • Upon entering an uncleared room, Isaac gains a shell that gives the following:
    • +1 flat damage.
    • 0.75× speed multiplier.
    • Negates the first instance of damage, destroying the shell and removing the stat modifiers.
4 nolostbr summonable
Cataract (edit) Cataract Cataract.png No Cloudy vision
  • Increases tear size.
  • Tears decelerate until they stop moving entirely.
  • Tears remain in the air for a longer time.
2 summonable
Celestial Berry (edit) Celestial Berry Celestial Berry.png No Feather away
  • When entering an uncleared room for the first time, a winged berry will appear in a random position.
    • Picking up the berry grants:
      • +1 Damage, +0.5 Tears, and flight for the room.
      • +0.05 Luck permanently.
    • The berry will fly away if not picked up within 3 seconds.
3 offensive summonable
Chastity Belt (edit) Chastity Belt Chastity Belt.png No Your body is a temple
  • +2 Damage.
    • The given damage up will be decreased depending on how many keys you have.
  • Key pickups disappear after leaving and re-entering the room they are located in.
2 offensive summonable
Chimerism (edit) Chimerism Chimerism.png No I art I
  • +2 Heart Containers.
  • +2 Damage.
  • 2 bombs are placed at once for no extra cost.
3 offensive summonable
Cholera (edit) Cholera Cholera.png No Crappy aim
  • +1 Luck.
  • Chance to fire a brown tear that transforms enemies into Poop.
    • Chance scales with Luck.
    • Brown tears are fired at slightly wonky angles.
3 summonable poop
Chunk of Tofu (edit) Chunk of Tofu Chunk of Tofu.png No Packed with phytoestrogens
  • Cube of Meat-style progressive familiar.
  • Replaces all items in Boss Rooms with more Chunk of Tofus.
Coil (edit) Coil Coil.png No Coiling orbital
  • Orbital familiar that briefly moves further away from Isaac after blocking a projectile.
    • After blocking a shot, it slowly difts back towards Isaac.
2 summonable monstermanual
Coinflip (edit) Coinflip Coinflip.png Yes Ricoshot
  • +3 coins.
  • On use, consumes a coin, 1 charge notch and spawns a spinning coin.
    • The spinning coin ricochets Isaac's tears into enemies, multiplying their damage by 1.5.
    • Picking up the coin before it disappears grants 1 charge notch back.
coinflip 3 offensive
Communion (edit) Communion Communion.png Yes Excommunicated tears
  • On use, reverses the trajectory of all enemy projectiles and transforms them into friendly homing tears.
    • Additionally, all Troll Bombs are transformed into regular bombs that home towards enemies.
6s 1 angel
Conjunctivitis (edit) Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis.png No Eye sack
  • -1 Fire Delay.
  • Isaac's tears now leave puddles of slowing creep.
2 nolostbr summonable tearsup
Cootie (edit) Cootie Cootie.png No Ew, gross!
  • Familiar that charms the non-boss enemy in the room with the highest health.
3 summonable monstermanual
Corpse Flower (edit) Corpse Flower Corpse Flower.png No Gangrenous tears
  • Spawns a Rotten Heart on pickup.
  • Chance to fire a green tear that inflicts a long-lasting but weak Poison.
    • Chance scales with Luck.
  • Poisoned enemies now periodically spawn a Blue Fly.
    • These Blue Flies will not target the enemy that spawned them.
3 offensive summonable
Cracked Infamy (edit) Cracked Infamy Cracked Infamy.png No Damage reduction... ?
  • 2.5% chance to trigger the Glowing Hourglass.png Glowing Hourglass effect when taking damage.
    • Each time Isaac takes damage and the effect does not trigger, the chance increases by an additional 2.5% up to a maximum of 20%.
    • The effect cannot trigger when fighting a boss that grants a completion mark.
1 summonable
Cyst (edit) Cyst Cyst.png No First strike!
  • 10x Damage Multiplier until after the first time Isaac fires in each room.
    • If 5 seconds pass Isaac will lose the damage boost automatically.
3 offensive summonable
Dead Lung (edit) Dead Lung Dead Lung.png No Coughing up blood
  • +1 Black Heart.
  • Isaac creates a pool of red creep when taking damage.
1 dead
Death Cap (edit) Death Cap All Death Caps.gif Yes Strength through mithridatism
  • When using for the first 5 times, Isaac takes damage and permanently gains the following modifiers:
  • When using for the 6th time, Death Cap is destroyed, fully heals all of Isaac's UI Heart Red.png Red Heart containers and File:UI Bone Heart.png Bone Hearts, and grants the following modifiers:
    • +2.75 damage.
    • 1.5× damage multiplier.
    • +0.5 speed.
    • +0.5 shot speed.
4 3 mushroom
Defibrillator (edit) Defibrillator Defibrillator.png No Starting to see black
  • 1.5x Damage Multiplier in alternating rooms.
2 offensive summonable
Derelict Anchor (edit) Derelict Anchor Derelict Anchor.png No Shipwrecked
  • Enemies are bound to an anchor that restricts their movement speed.
    • The anchor can break rocks it's dragged through.
    • The anchor will be destroyed if its host becomes intangible or it is dragged over a pit.
3 summonable
Devil's Tooth (edit) Devil's Tooth Devils Tooth.png No Exsanguinating strength
  • Grants a chance to fire a tear that upgrades the hit enemy into a stronger version of itself.
    • If the enemy is successfully transformed, its current health is halved.
    • Chance scales with Luck.
2 offensive summonable mushroom
Dominicus (edit) Dominicus Dominicus.png No Long-lost natal sun
  • Grants 3 orbital familiars that cycle through 9 variants in a set order.
  • The familiars are launched in the direction Isaac is firing when they align with his line-of-sight, each with a unique effect.
    • Dominicus familiars break after hitting a wall and will be replaced with the next variant after a couple of seconds.
3 offensive uniquefamiliar
Dowsing Rod (edit) Dowsing Rod Dowsing Rod.png Yes Water witching
  • On use, causes Isaac to hold the item above his head. While held, raining tears that leave a puddle of creep, and the occasional File:Crack the Sky.png Crack the Sky beam of light, will begin to strike random places in the room.
    • The longer the item is held, the more frequently the tears and beams of light will be summoned, reaching their maximum intensity after 15 seconds.
    • The item can be held between rooms, maintaining the strength of the effect.
2 2 offensive
Effigy (edit) Effigy Effigy.png No See them burn
  • When entering an uncleared room, grants a 15% chance to replace all enemies with Burning Effigies.
    • Effigies are completely harmless and have no hitbox, but can be bombed for a chance to spawn a random wooden pickup.
3 summonable
Empiric (edit) Empiric Empiric.png No Quack medicine
  • Transforms all pills into Horse Pills.
    • Naturally spawned horse pills are converted into Whale Pill.png Whale Pills instead.
  • Causes all pills to become permanently unidentified.
  • Spawns a random horse pill after being picked up.
3 summonable
Eternal Bombs (edit) Eternal Bombs Eternal Bombs.png No Cast the beast into a lake of fire
  • +5 Bombs.
  • Bombs deal double damage to bosses.
3 offensive summonable
Eve's Nail Polish (edit) Eve's Nail Polish Eves Nail Polish.png No Every shot counts
  • Landing a tear on an enemy reduces the time until Isaac can fire his next shot.
2 offensive summonable
Everlasting Pill (edit) Everlasting Pill Everlasting Pill.png Yes Stat-alteration free
  • On use, activates a random pill effect from a set list, which includes all pill effects that do not affect Isaac's stats or health.
5s 1
Everlasting Pill (edit) Neverlasting Pill Neverlasting Pill.png Yes Stat-alteration packed!
  • Simultaneously consume 6 random stat-altering pills.
one time 2
Eye of Balor (edit) Eye of Balor Eye of Balor.png No Dominate and destroy
  • The enemy with the lowest percentage health, that is not at full health, will take 1.5x damage from all sources.
3 offensive summonable devil
F.O.P. (edit) F.O.P. FOP.png No Unbreakable
  • Spawns a Bone Heart on pickup.
  • If Isaac would take fatal damage, it is prevented and all of his Heart Containers are replaced with empty Bone Hearts.
    • This can be repeated infinitely so long as Isaac has Heart Containers to convert.
3 summonable
False Idol (edit) False Idol False Idol.png Yes An untrue faith
  • On use, grants a familiar that passively grants +10.9 luck.
    • The familiar is removed after leaving the room.
3 3 monstermanual
False Idol (edit) False Promise False Promise.png No Communication breakdown 2
Forbidden Fruit (edit) Forbidden Fruit Forbidden Fruit.png No Damage up?
  • 0.65x Damage Multiplier, then grants +5 flat Damage.
2 offensive summonable angel
Frail Fly (edit) Frail Fly Frail Fly.png No He's weak
  • Orbital familiar that deals heavy contact damage and blocks enemy projectiles, but dies after blocking 3 shots.
    • Respawns when entering another room.
1 summonable monstermanual fly
Friend Folio (edit) Friend Folio Friend Folio.png No Rival chapter
  • Grants a random Retribution familiar that changes every room.
  • May grant a Friend familiar unique to this item.
    • Friend walks around the room targeting enemies like a level 4 Cube of Meat.png Cube of Meat.
    • Friend periodically fires fire tears at her target.
2 summonable book
Friendly Monster (edit) Friendly Monster Friendly Monster.png No Lost in orbit
  • Orbital famliar that orbits a random enemy in the room, while shooting spectral tears in the same direction as Isaac.
2 summonable monstermanual
Fry's Paw (edit) Fry's Paw Frys Paw.png Yes Bone converter
  • On use, removes one filled UI Heart Red.png Red Heart container, grants 2 empty Bone Hearts and creates a puddle of red creep underneath Isaac.
    • Has no effect if Isaac has no filled Heart Containers.
unlimited 1 nolostbr
Gacha-Go (edit) Gacha-Go Gacha Go.png Yes Pull on the go! unlimited 1
Glioma (edit) Glioma Glioma.png No Say that again
  • +0.3 Tears.
  • Grants a 15% chance to fire a concussive tear.
  • Upon defeating the floor's boss, all regular cleared rooms become uncompleted and can be re-beaten for additional rewards.
3 offensive summonable tearsup nogreed
Gloriosa (edit) Gloriosa Gloriosa.png No Blazing Tears
  • 0.75× tear rate multiplier.
  • Tears travel in an arc and leave behind a fire jet when colliding.
  • Tears inflict burn to enemies on direct hits.
3 offensive summonable
Guppy's Pride (edit) Guppy's Pride Guppys Pride.png No What's up with that?
  • Grants a shooting familiar on pickup and at the start of every new floor.
    • The familiars' tear damage scales with Isaac's Damage.
2 offensive summonable guppy
Ham (edit) Ham Ham.png No Long pork
  • +1 Red Heart container.
  • +2 Black Hearts.
  • +0.75 damage.
  • +3.5 range.
3 offensive
Heart Rupture (edit) Heart Rupture Heart Rupture.png No Bursting hearts!
  • Enemies have a chance to launch a heart pickup into the air upon dying.
    • The chance scales with Luck, the enemy's maximum health and the current stage.
    • Catching the heart will heal Isaac.
    • Missing the heart will cause it to splatter on the ground and spawn playe-controlled creep.
2 nolostbr summonable
Heart Shaped Balloon (edit) Heart Shaped Balloon Heart Shaped Balloon.png No Pretty balloon
  • Grants a trailing balloon familiar.
  • For every cleared room, the familiar will change colors to resemble a specific heart pickup.
  • Taking damage pops the balloon and spawns the respective heart on the ground.
    • The balloon will regenerate back to its first form upon entering the next room.
    • If the balloon resembles an Eternal Heart, it will pop automatically after clearing another room.
4 nolostbr summonable
Heartbroker (edit) Heartbroker Heartbroker.png No Blood money
  • +1 Gold Heart.
  • +2 Broken Hearts.
  • Broken Hearts can now be used to purchase Devil Deals.
2 nolostbr summonable
Heel Spur (edit) Heel Spur Heel Spur.png No Speed = DMG
  • +1 Bone Heart.
  • Applies a Damage Multiplier that scales with how fast Isaac is moving.
3 offensive summonable
Hemorrhoid (edit) Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoid.png No Charged blood blast
  • Charges up a Monstro's Lung.png Monstro's Lung style tear volley while firing.
  • Releasing the firing buttons fires the tear volley opposite to the direction Isaac is moving.
  • Taking damage spawns a Red Poop.
2 offensive summonable
Hundred Dollar Steak (edit) Hundred Dollar Steak Hundred Dollar Steak.png No Don't swallow in one bite 1 nolostbr summonable
Hyperopia (edit) Hyperopia Hyperopia.png No Hyper tears
  • +0.3 Tears.
  • Tears accelerate as they travel, gaining piercing once they reach high enough speed.
2 offensive summonable tearsup
Impact Wax (edit) Impact Wax Impact Wax.png No Did you say something?
  • +0.5 Damage.
  • While shooting, short-ranged tears that leave puddles of slowing creep and deal 0.75x of Isaac's damage are fired from the sides.
3 offensive summonable
Jet Feather (edit) Jet Feather Jet Feather.png No Fall
  • Angel Deals no longer vanish when another item is taken, but will cost health to purchase.
  • Devil Deals no longer cost health to purchase, but will vanish if another item is taken.
2 summonable devil
Joyful (edit) Joyful Joyful.png No You feel nothing
  • Grants a chance to gain a 2× damage multiplier for the room when taking damage.
    • In the following room afterwards, grants a 0.85× damage multiplier.
  • 35% chance for a Joy Pill to drop on room clear, alongside normal rewards.
2 offensive summonable
Kapala (edit) Kapala Kapala.png No Shared blood
  • 1.5x Damage Multiplier.
  • Damage dealt to enemies is split evenly amongst all other enemies of the same Type and Variant.
4 offensive summonable devil
Kompu Gacha (edit) Kompu Gacha Kompu Gacha.png No Capitalism and its swinest
  • Spawns a random Capsule, then, for every 5 coins Isaac currently holds:
    • Spawns another random Capsule.
    • Removes 5 coins.
      • Capped at spawning 10 Capules.
Laughing Gas (edit) Laughing Gas Laughing Gas.png No Winners don't use drugs
  • +0.3 Shot Speed.
  • -1 Fire Delay.
2 offensive summonable tearsup
Lemon Head (edit) Lemon Head Lemon Head.png No Tears up, pucker up
  • +0.8 Tears.
  • +2.5 Range.
  • Reduces tear size.
2 offensive summonable tearsup
Lent (edit) Lent Lent.png No Abstainence...
  • Not picking up hearts for a floor will grant full health and +0.5 Damage at the start of the next floor.
1 offensive summonable
Lifeblood Syringe (edit) Lifeblood Syringe Lifeblood Syringe.png Yes Vital injection
  • Starts with 4 charges out of 8.
    • Can be recharged only by killing Lifeseed Spirits that sometimes spawn when killing enemies.
  • On use, grants 2 Soul Hearts.
8 3 nolostbr nokeeper syringe
Lily (edit) Lily Lily.png Yes No need for peace
  • On use, explodes any enemies with less than 1/3 of their maximum health remaining.
  • Does not work on bosses.
  • Valid enemies will faintly glow red.
12s 1 offensive
Mad Onion (edit) Mad Onion Mad Onion.png No So pungent, so divine
  • Grants a chance to fire a tear that deals 3.2x damage but possesses no tear effects.
2 offensive summonable
Mark of Cain (edit) Mark of Cain Mark of Cain.png No Wear it with shame
  • After 10 seconds of being in a non-special room, all doors will open.
  • Taking damage from an enemy deals 7x your Damage to them.
2 nolostbr summonable devil
Meat Grinder (edit) Meat Grinder Meat Grinder.png Yes A taste for oneself
  • On use, deals damage to Isaac and spawns a Swine Beggar.
6 3 nolostbr
Melatonin (edit) Melatonin Melatonin.png Yes Zzz...
  • On use, paralyses Isaac for 2 seconds and grants the following effects for the current room:
    • +0.75 tears.
    • Hitting enemies with tears will gradually slow them down. If an enemy is hit with enough tears, the enemy will briefly freeze in place.
  • Sleeping in a bed grants a Red Heart container.
1 2 offensive
Melitodes (edit) Melitodes Melitodes.png No Honeyed one
  • Grants a chance to fire a tear that creates a Melitodes Bee when hitting an enemy.
    • The chance scales with Luck.
2 offensive summonable
Milk of Baphomet (edit) Milk of Baphomet Milk of Baphomet.png No HP up, random on-hit effects
  • +1 Heart Container.
  • Taking damage triggers a random on-damage effect.
2 nolostbr summonable
Milk Teeth (edit) Milk Teeth Milk Teeth.png No Delayed splinter shot
  • 0.5x tear rate multiplier.
  • Tears split into a spread of 5 blood shots after traveling far enough from Isaac.
3 offensive summonable
